
DAVx⁵ has been successfully tested with Nextcloud.

Nextcloud is a PHP-based server software to access, share and protect your files, calendars, contacts, communication & more at home and in your enterprise.

Service login in DAVx5

(recommended if Nextcloud app is not installed)

Since DAVx5 4.3.9 we support a service login method for Nextcloud. You'll be able to authenticate through the web without entering any credentials directly in DAVx5.

  1. From the Add account screen choose "Nextcloud".
  2. Enter the root URL of your Nextcloud. For example:
  3. Tap "Login" and authenticate through the browser.
  4. After authentication is complete close the browser window and DAVx5 should offer you the last step of the account creation.
  5. Create the account and setup is finished.

Setup through the Nextcloud app

(recommended if Nextcloud app is installed)

You can use the Nextcloud app for Android to set up DAVx⁵ without having to enter the Nextcloud URL:

  1. Install the Nextcloud app for Android.
  2. Open the Settings of the Nextcloud app.
  3. Choose "Sync calendar & contacts".
  4. DAVx⁵ will open with Nextcloud Login Flow.
  5. Continue DAVx⁵ setup as usual (see below).

CalDAV/CardDAV setup

Base URL: /remote.php/dav (for instance:

Contact group method: groups are per-contact categories (other methods are supported on server side, but the Contacts Nextcloud app only uses CATEGORIES at the moment)

User name and password: your Nextcloud username and

  • device-specific password for DAVx⁵ (recommended for performance and security; required if you use 2FA (two-factor authentication))
  • otherwise, the account password (not recommended)

WebDAV setup

You can access your Nextcloud files using the DAVx⁵ WebDAV mounts feature.


User name and password: same as for CalDAV/CardDAV (using a device-specific password is highly recommended)

We recommend to use the Nextcloud app to access and synchronize your files with Android. However, there may be use cases where DAVx⁵ can do better (for instance, to stream big files). You can also use both apps together.

If files created by DAVx⁵ or other WebDAV clients always have 0 bytes, this is usually because requrest buffering is not configured in the server. See