Open-Xchange is a productivity and collaboration platform with various features. With its OX App Suite, it also provides Contacts and Calendars.
DAVx⁵ settings
Base URL: see OX App Suite CalDAV/CardDAV manual (set up well-known URLs to get it into one account)
Username: your OX account email address / username
Password: your password
Contact group method: There is no server-side CardDAV contact group support. Choose "per-contact categories" as contact group method to minimize problems.
Known limitations
There are some known limitations:
- Contacts: Not all email addresses and phone numbers are always stored and/or shown in the Web interface. For more information, see AppSuite:VCardMapping.
- Calendar – Birthdays calendar: Birthdays without a year won't show correctly in the birthday calendar (because they internally have set 1604 as year and years before 1902 can't b processed correctly by Androids calendar storage).
- Calendars: Events which are more than one year in the future seem to be not sent over CalDAV, so they can't be synchronized.