T-Online.de is a German news portal and ISP which provides an email service with address books and calendars.
CalDAV/CardDAV setup
Base URL: https://spica.t-online.de/
Username: yourEmail@t-online.de
Password: your password for the given username
With free (non-paid) t-online.de accounts it's possible that only address book synchronization is available (no calendars). Address book and calendars are available for t-online.de customers.
WebDAV setup
You can mount folders from the MagentaCloud using the DAVx⁵ WebDAV mounts feature.
Because of a server issue, DAVx⁵ can only read files over WebDAV. Uploads seem to succeed, but leave a 0-byte file on the server.
WebDAV URL: https://magentacloud.de/remote.php/webdav
User name: see CalDAV/CardDAV
Password: you have to set up a WebDAV password